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Quote Status

Customer.StoredProcForDebtorOrderOnQuotesGrid A different or modified stored procedure can be created and attached in System Maintenance, Debtors against the key  The data being in that tab is controlled by a stored procedure usp_JIWA_Debtor_BuildGrid_OnQuotes. tab in Debtors displays the status of quotes entered for the debtor. Quotes ,Activities

The defaults that load when the form is loaded display all quotes for the customer, regardless of status.

Criteria can be selected from drop down boxes attached to the fields Opportunity Status, Status Reason,  Sales Stage and Filter Expected Close Date.  Once selected, click Go to refresh what is displayed.  Ticking Show Detail and clicking Go again displays the line detail of the quotes displayed, including part number, description, quantity, unit price, line total and last cost.   Drill down to part number and quote are available.

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